Check out my world!
I never knew how stressful family photos could be until I had kids of my own…but YA GOTTA DO IT. It’s so important! you just WON’t get these moments back. AND, AS I HAVE BECOME PAINFULLY AWARE, THEY’RE GONE IN AN INSTANT.
You’d never guess we were getting eaten alive by mosquitoes at our family vacation in michigan in this one, or that our son was a wriggling mess (huge shoutout to my wife!) but…LOOK AT THE END RESULT! totally worth it. i SERIOSULY LOVE FAMILY PICTURE DAY SO HARD.
and, not gonna lie, when i’m editing everything, no matter if its my family, a brand new one, or one i’ve known for over a decade, I MAY OR MAY NOT get a BIT misty :)
WITH Every shoot, it’s at the VERY top of my list to make your experience as fun, easy and painless as possible. if you feel good, you’ll look good!